The Jordanian Masarat for Development and progress held today, Wednesday, at its headquarters in the capital Amman, a closed dialogue session with a group of experts in legal and social affairs, under the title “Cently required to address domestic violence”, to discuss the challenges faced by victims of violence, women, children and men, and those who address it and discuss proposed solutions to eliminate violence in general and families, especially within Jordanian society. The participants in the session stressed that the frequency of violence increased globally with the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, especially since the educational, health and social services through which cases of violence can be reported were absent during the total and partial ban, and therefore the conditions of the pandemic made it more difficult to detect cases of domestic violence. Participants saw that the political will to protect against violence exists, but protection from domestic violence is not a priority for the decision-maker, and the government discourse does not address these issues and how to eliminate them in society, and did not define them as a strategic goal for governments. They stressed the need to allocate adequate budgets for the competent authorities to protect against domestic violence, and provide them with a sufficient number of qualified and trained cadres to deal with cases of domestic violence, adding that about (14-20) thousand files are open for cases of family violence in the Department of Family and Juvenile Protection, but the Department lacks the necessary capabilities to deal with all these cases. The participants stressed the need to carry out social reform stemming from a comprehensive social vision, in addition to the political, administrative and economic reform led by Jordan, calling for the establishment of a specialized center in social research, ensuring people exposed to violence, strengthening aftercare programs for children and women exposed to domestic violence and also for the abusers, and holding the media accountable for covering domestic violence issues, in addition to developing a university material to raise awareness against domestic violence. They pointed to the need to close the gap of public confidence in institutions based on protecting cases of violence, stressing that it will only be achieved when fair procedures are taken in cases of domestic violence, which is one of the most prominent factors that prevent victims from reporting the violence they are subjected to, in addition to fear of the reaction of the abuser in the event of a complaint to the competent authorities. The session was attended by the former Minister of Social Development, Reem Abu Hassan, the forensic consultant, Dr. Momen Al-Hadidi, and the President of the Administrative Board of the Association for the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, Dalia Al-Faruqi, and the Executive Director of the Law Group for Human Rights “Mezan”, Eva Abu Halawa, the legal expert specializing in family issues, Ahmed Abu Rumman, the Director of Business Development at the “ICS Technolgies” Foundation, Dr. Jihad Al-Omari, the journalist in the newspaper “Al-Ghad”, Nad Al-Nimri, the founder of “Jordanian Paths”, the former Minister of State for Media Affairs, Jumana Ghan Ghanimat, and the founder of “Jordanian Paths”, former deputy, and Wafa Bani Mustafa. It is noteworthy that the “Jordanian Pathways for Development and Development” is a non-profit civil society institution, established in 2021, and specializes in issues of enhancing the presence of women in the public space and empowering them politically and economically, supporting and stimulating the participation of young people in political and development work, and developing and strengthening media capabilities to keep pace with developments to be a tool of control and a way to achieve sustainable development and democracy. The “Jordanian Pathways” focuses on conducting studies and research related to the Jordanian scene as a whole, as well as making analytical readings of interest to decision makers in various aspects of life, in addition to conducting analytical studies of the political and media scene and their content. “Jordanian Tracks” will issue a position paper on the dialogue session in the coming days.